15.5R25 Bridgestone V-Steel Ultra Traction An Economical, All-Steel Radial OTR Earthmover E-2, Grader G-2 and Loader L-2 Traction ...
Used with good overall condition and plenty of treads remaining, tire only...
takeoffs, was originally in aluminum wheel setup. Will work in any wheel set up....
Load index : 250 KPA or 4 ply Max pressure : 36 psi overall height 49″ overall width 18″ Profile: XS Radial Tread at 1...
Industrial Handling Equipment Tires Features and Benefits: Deep traction lug provides firm machine traction on both smooth and sem...
Industrial Handling Equipment Tire Features and Benefits: Deep traction lug provides firm machine traction on both smooth and semi...
Hight treads 95% to 100% remaining, FOAM filled tire, rim removed so you can slide yours no problem. you getting a tire with a FOA...
Used with good overall condition and plenty of treads remaining, with tube and flap...